"...It is written: One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." - Matthew 4: 4
每日讀經 Sources for Daily Readings
- 梵諦岡廣播電台 中文 主日讀經
- 思高讀經推廣中心 中文 每日福音
- 天主教香港教區禮儀委員會 中文 每日聖言
- 天主教真理台 雙語 每日福音 Daily Gospel
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
1. Daily Readings(click on “Today’s Readings”)
2. Subscribe to the Audio Daily Readings
天主教聖經 Catholic Bible
- 聖經書目對照表
- 天主教思高聖經 (繁體字版)
- The New American Bible
- 思高漢英繁体聖經 Catholic Bible in English and Chinese (CCB version)
- 有聲聖經 (MP3 檔案 )
- 圖解聖經 – 幫你掌握全部聖經脈絡