

Cardinal Shan 單國璽樞機主教     單國璽樞機主教 徽章






單國璽 恭賀

發表於二零零三年十一月 聖荷西華人教會成立廿年紀念專輯 第一九一期, 回到本期目錄

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Biship McGrath



我為你們高興,並且為貴團體有擔當、寬宏大量以及全奉獻的精神特色表示感佩。貴團體是本教區的一大祝福。你們的信德及服事,曾經 ─ 也繼續會豐盛我們的教區。



派區克‧麥格拉 敬上

Biship McGrath Original Letter

發表於二零零三年十一月 聖荷西華人教會成立廿年紀念專輯 第一九一期, 回到本期目錄

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作者: 編輯小組 二OO三年耶穌基督君王瞻禮前夕








謝謝多位兄姊承擔了全部印刷、打字的支出。願天主百倍賞報您們的“及時行善”。再一次謝謝我們所有的作者,是您的分享豐富了本刊的內容。特別要謝謝團體的大恩人朱蒙泉神父,雖在病中,仍給我們帶來“領袖培育”的教導與分享,而多年來您在團體中所作的努力,豈不正是在培育“領袖人才”?而您本身就是一位“能以理想和意義激發團體,奔向目標”的優秀領袖。 謝謝您為團體所付出的一切。願主賜您早日康復。


基督君王 永遠為主!

發表於二零零三年十一月 聖荷西華人教會成立廿年紀念專輯 第一九一期, 回到本期目錄

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彌撒禮儀歌曲 Mass Song

彌撒禮儀中文歌曲 Mass Songs in Chinese

彌撒禮儀英文歌曲 Mass Songs in English

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垂憐曲 Kyrie Eleison

作者 節錄自趙一舟蒙席的禮儀教導


「上主,求祢垂憐」,這一經句譯自拉丁彌撒中的 “Kyrie eleison”。這是拉丁文彌撒中僅存留的一句希臘話。原來教會初期首先以希臘語舉行彌撒,之後西方教會纔改用當時民眾所瞭解的拉丁文,但東方教會仍然採用希臘語舉行禮儀。如此,這句希臘語象徵性地顯示東西兩教會的合一。在禮儀革新後,仍有地方教會保留此句希臘文的垂憐曲。垂憐曲,最好詠唱,一如《總論》所言,此經句基本上是一種「歡呼」或呼求式禱詞 (acclamation)。藉此讚揚主基督對人類的寬仁,慈悲。它不應該僅是悲傷的哀禱。其主要功能:




高呼上主的慈悲:“Kyrie eleison” 的英譯是 “Lord, have mercy”。意指求主大發慈悲, 因此,「上主,求祢垂憐」這一經句,也含有對救主慈悲為懷,仁愛無量的肯定和頌揚。

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光榮頌  Glory To God

作者 禮儀組


  光榮頌是在垂憐曲之後,集禱經之前。因此它也是為準備彌撒主要部分(聖道及聖祭禮儀)的經文,尤其為準備喜慶和較隆重的彌撒。它綜合了彌撒中的各式經文:我們光榮天主,讚美天主,一如司鐸在「頌謝詞」中所做;我們為了天主的無上光榮,感謝祂,一如在「感恩經」中所做;我們宣稱天主是聖的,一如在唱「聖聖聖」時所做;我們呼求主耶穌憐憫,一如在唱「羔羊讚」時所求。因此光榮頌可稱為整個彌撒「主題」前奏曲。藉此歌曲,可把會眾引進到對天主讚美,感謝,朝拜,祈求的氣氛中。 「在主日(將臨期和四旬期除外),節日,慶日,以及其他較隆重的特殊慶典,應唱或念光榮頌」(《總論》53)。


是一首讚美詩:拉丁文的專名為 “Hymnus”,是古代信友團體常用來讚頌天主的一種文體。光榮頌是在第二至四世紀之間完成的,原文為希臘文。這首歌詠的思想取材於聖經中,是我們的祈禱文中最古老且最珍貴的一端經文。


納入彌撒禮儀:最初用於晨禱,但主曆500年時,在羅馬被納入聖誕節的彌撒中,因為這讚美詩前段,正是天使在耶穌誕生時所唱的詞句 (參路二: 14)。不久,主教們便將它用在主日及殉道聖人的彌撒中,直到十一世紀時,司鐸才被允許在復活節及自己的晉鐸日的彌撒中詠唱。如今在較重要,具有節慶性質的日子均可詠唱。

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An Open Letter to Hate, Suffering, and Fear: You have NOT won 關於恨、痛苦及恐惧的公开信 – 你沒贏

作者 Author: Colten Biro

Original posted on 12/07/2015, by Colten Biro, SJ in “The Jesuit Post”
To Hate, Fear, and Suffering in our world:

Perhaps it is simply a matter of being more aware of it, but it feels in the last two months that you have been all around me. So I write you—to Hate, to Fear, to Suffering—so that you will know… That I do not hate. That I am working to move beyond fear. That I am accompanying and will continue to accompany those who suffer. No matter how hard you try and how hard you make it to understand life and people, you have not won.

Your recent work in Paris has been horrifying. So many people have passed away, and hundreds were injured. It is incomprehensible. And yet. In the midst of the suffering, in the middle of the hate, in a place besieged by fear… something more is present, something you cannot defeat: hope, compassion, and love. So while you have struck at our very core, you have not won. The man from whom you took everything, refused to give you the one thing you wanted: hate. Instead he remembered the loved one you took from him, and he looks at her memory with such love that you cannot win. The people who you have scared, made a point to return courageously to the cafés. And why? Because they refuse to have their lives controlled by Hate, Fear, and Suffering. Each sip of coffee, each pastry consumed, each conversation was a beautiful act of fighting back. It was a way of yelling: “You have not won! We have not lost hope!” Paris is not the only example. No. Hate, Fear, and Suffering have been hard at work across the world. What
is so insidious is that you three have hidden yourself behind the name of religion. Bombings in Baghdad and Beirut, killings in Syria, even hostage situations in Mali all in the name of religion… But we do not accept your lie. No. Hate, Fear, and Suffering are NOT tied so closely to our faiths; you can attempt to hide behind ignorance, but too many brave people are onto you. Beautiful men and women who are Muslim have gone on a public campaign to show how their faith is free from you. Holding signs which boldly claim “not in my name” or “we stand with Paris”, they show me how to fight against your work. Talk show hosts, celebrities, pastors, and even people on the street standing up to you in order to say to the world: “Hate, Fear, and Suffering… you have not won! —You cannot hide behind a religion!”

Hate, Fear, and Suffering, you have brought the battle to our shores. You have been working quietly in the background using tools of racism, violence, and prejudice. But even with all your work to stay hidden and accepted, you cannot remain in the shadows—you have not won. At the University of Missouri, students organized and united to combat your work. Powerful statements of action from individual students, from faculty, and even from sports teams show a rise in our awareness. We are fighting back against you. Through conversation, protest, questioning, and compassion… we boldly state: You have not won! —We do not accept your work!

So to you—Hate, Fear, and Suffering—I write to let you know that hope still exists. Compassion still remains. Love still endures. I write to you to let you know that I do not Hate—instead, I pray for those who cannot see love just yet. I write to you to let you know that I do not Fear—rather, I am inspired by the brave men and women who refuse to hide and surrender to you. I write to you to let you know that I have not forgotten those Suffering—I accompany them in conversation, awareness, and prayer.

I write to you to let you know that no matter how hard you try, and no matter how hard you make it to understand life and people, you have not won.

1 Reprinted with permission from The Jesuit Post, Feb.15 2016, original link: https://thejesuitpost.org/2015/12/an-open-letter-to-hate-suffering-and-fear-you-have-not-won/

發表於二零一六年 四旬期 第二九二期, 回到本期目錄

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Homily for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 二零一五年聖家節彌撒講道詞原文

作者 Author: Fr. Kimm

When I was in the seminary, I learned a counseling technique called “active listening.” When utilizing this technique, the counselor is supposed to repeat back to the counselee what he or she has just heard, only using different words. For example, if someone says to me, “I don’t feel very Christmassy,” I might say, “It sounds like something is bothering you.” This technique is meant to let the counselee know that the counselor is understanding him or her, but to me, it sometimes seems like just a test of my language skills or how fast I can think.

It is not easy to understand other people–their feelings, their experiences, everything that makes them who they are—and it is equally difficult to be understood. Even the people closest to us, such as members of our families, may not understand us. Case in point: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in our gospel story today. Frustrated by his parents’ lack of understanding of his relationship with God, the boy Jesus says to Mary and Joseph, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” It is also fair to assume that his parents were not understood by Jesus.

While we may admit how difficult it is for people to understand us, we all long for that understanding. The perception that people don’t understand us can lead not just to frustration and anger, but also to loneliness and isolation. This is why it is so important for us to remember that in spite of what others may or may not understand about us, there is someone who understands us perfectly: our joys and sorrows, blessings and burdens, hopes for the future and past regrets. With great compassion and love, God understands each one of us better than any human being is capable of doing. With great compassion and love, God understands you and me better than we could ever understand ourselves.

Holy Family (Dec. 27, 2015)
see Luke 2:41~52

發表於二零一六年 四旬期 第二九二期, 回到本期目錄

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二零一五年聖家節彌撒講道詞 Chinese Translation of the Homily on the Feast day of Holy Family in 2015

作者 Author: Fr. Kimm 徐麗華譯





發表於二零一六年 四旬期 第二九二期, 回到本期目錄

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財務組請款步驟 Finance Team Reimbursement Request Process

  1. Download and fill out the “SJCCM Check/Reimbursement Request” form
  2. Get authorized signature
  3. Scan or take a picture of the form and receipts
  4. Email everything to sjccm.ap@gmail.com or
  5. Submit the form and receipt to Finance Team (Eugene Lee, Angela Yao, or Kao Ai-hua)

Make sure to provide accurate mailing address in the form as checks will be sent by mail. Please send any suggestion or feedback to finance@sjccm.com regarding the new process. Thanks.

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