KFC Photos 07/24/2021
Photographer: Ricky Chan
Photographer: Ricky Chan
ILM graduation of Stan Photos 2021
Dear CM Families,
Hope you and families are staying healthy and safe!
We are at the end of CM 2020-2021 school year. Last of CM will be 5/23 and we will be ending it with a ZOOM virtual celebration. More details to come so stay tuned……
Below is the link to CM 2021-2022 registration. We are continuously working with Diocese of San Jose for school re-opening guidance. We will update the community as soon as we receive it and provide more details on school re-opening. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Let us continue to pray for the end of pandemic and well being of everyone of SJCCM community.
Thank you.
Jessica Chang
申請辦法:參見ILM網站https://www.dsj.org/evangelization/institute-for-leadership-in-ministry/ilm-admissions/ 並同歐神父聯繫。
所有畢業生可以繼續深造,參加Advanced Lay Leadership Formation Program,應用ILM課程的部分學分來申請神學等碩士學位。男士可通過ALLFP進行執事培訓。
Stage ONE: 推薦候選人 Candidates Nomination
5/1/2021 – 5/31/2021
為SJCCM 團體服務、來訪過的神父、修女們:
陶雅谷神父、馬愛德神父、龔品梅樞機、單國璽樞機、朱蒙泉神父、王楚華神父、蔡石芳神父、徐英發主教、王敬弘神父、李哲修神父、黃德寬神父、謝為霖神父、黃華全神父、沈鶴璉神父、張宇恭神父、趟一舟神父、張春申神父、潘大年神父、萬立民神父、牧育才神父、Bishop Pierre DuMaine、 Fr. Benedict Groeschel。
歐維禮神父、顧光中蒙席、狄剛總主教、汪中璋主教、曾慶導神父、甘國棟神父、朱恩榮神父、劉家正神父、胡國禛神父、孫柔遠神父、詹德隆神父、艾力勤神父、滿而溢神父、林思川神父、程若石神父、沈德中神父、饒志成神父、穆宏志神父、陸達誠神父、弘宣天神父、韓大輝總主教、翟林湧神父、高豪神父、姜有國神父、鄒保祿神父、吳智勲神父、丁松青神父、趙儀文神父、馬爾定神父、鍾子月神父、徐明德神父、劉洪昌神父、蕭見忠神父、徐豐神父、王澤神父、劉星群神父、Bishop Patrick McGrath、 Bishop Oscar Cantu、Msgr. Fran Cilia、Fr. Joe Specht、Fr. Paul Mariani、Fr Gregory Kim、Fr. John Martin、Fr. Rick Rodoni, Fr. Francis Kalaw。
1st group: 已故之樞機、主教、神父們 as of 4/25/2021
2nd group: 仍健在之主教、蒙席、神父們
3rd group: 修女們
– 陶神父(1983~1993)
– 顧神父(1993~2008)
– 歐神父 (2008~)
馬愛德神父:幫助我們成立SJCCC (SJCCM 前身)
This is the least we can do to remember all the great shepherds and sisters that have been with SJCCM.
For all the graces and angels on earth, 感謝、讚美天主。
Time: Apr 23, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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2021 慈悲主日 嬰兒領洗 彌撒照片
Easter Mass Photos 2021