齊娜的信仰見證分享 8/29/2021

齊娜的信仰見證分享 8/29/2021

First English Mass on 8/22/2021 [Photo]

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Faith Sharing of Rita 8/15/2021

CM Registration-Updated 08/08/2021



網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020

填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673即可加入本堂的騎士團!

詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

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Barbara Baptism Pictures on 8/8/2021

聖洗聖事 照片

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韓大輝主教關於『聖若瑟的父愛』 8/1/2021


Archbishop Savio Hon, SDB Mass & Talk 8/1/2021

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Kids For Christ (KFC) Photos 07/24/2021

KFC Photos 07/24/2021

Photographer: Ricky Chan

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  • 從7/4/21 主日開始,主日彌撒將在教堂裡(室內)舉行,時間:3:00 PM (同時通過 Zoom 直播。
  • 我們教區不再強制註冊,但是為了大家的安全,請照常註冊
  • 如果身體有病癥,或與新冠病患有過接觸,或剛從國外回來,請留在家中。
  • 對完全接種疫苗的人,現在不強制戴口罩,但我們還是希望教友、服務員、神父,在彌撒中戴上口罩。
  • 個人與各家庭之間保持三呎距離。
  • 領聖體前,請自行消毒雙手(請自備消毒洗手液)。

Covid updated protocols after June 15

  • Beginning July 4th, 2021, Sunday 3:00PM Mass will be indoor and on ZOOM.
  • Registration is no longer mandatory in our diocese, but for your safety, please register as usual.
  • If you have any symptoms and/or have been in close contact with Covid patients, or if you are just coming back from a trip abroad, please stay at home.
  • For people who have been fully vaccinated, it is not mandatory to wear masks, but we still expect that faithful, ministers, and priests will wear masks during Mass.
  • Keep a three-foot distance between the individual and each family.
  • Before receiving the Holy Communion, please disinfect your hands by yourself (please bring your own hand sanitizer).
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