Photographer: Jessica Wang, Stella Yang, Fr. Olivera
Photographer: Jessica Wang, Stella Yang, Fr. Olivera
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Photographer: George Tsai
Photographer 攝影:蔡聖如
Photographer 攝影: 歐神父
Photographer 攝影: 歐神父
Photographer 攝影:吳興民
日期:2017年9 月 2 日 (星期六)
時間:彌撒 — 9:00am (請提前五分鐘進聖堂)
講座 — 9:30am – 4:30pm
地點:St. Clare Parish Hall (941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050)
吳興民 Shingmin Wu, *******
路芃芃 Teresa Lu, *******
高家琳 Lulu Ho, *******
神師: 徐豐 神父
主題: 默西亞—人類的希望!
日期: 2017年 11月10日5:00PM ~ 11月12日12:30PM
地點: St. Clare’s Retreat Center
(2381 Laurel Glen Rd, Soquel, CA 95073)
費用: 單人房 $175,雙人房 $150 (每人)
報名: 網路報名
Shingmin Wu 吳興民 (408-887-7888, *******)
At Santa Clara convention Center, 11/4/2017 (Saturday)
講員:夏志誠主教, Section 727, 1pm-2pm
大會主題: 上主不會離棄祂的百姓。
講員:陳小瓊修女, Section 628, 10:45am-11:45am
主題: 對撒瑪利亞女人故事的反省。
通過從女性的角度分析這段聖經故事, 我們會發現耶穌門徒的陶成在與耶穌相遇的美好經驗中完成.同時也邀請我們批判性的思維以尋求並宣揚聖經中的真理。 從中我們會受到一些靈性生命方面的啟發並我們的靈性成長有所裨益。
講員:翟林湧神父, Section 828, 3pm-4pm
主題: 新福傳。
福傳是教會的本質。只有在福傳中我們的教會、團體才可成長。 這成長不僅限於團體人數增加,也是我們信德的加深與靈修的豐富。 福傳的團體才是健康的團體。面對在現代世俗中對福傳的種種阻礙, 我們如何在個人生命中,在我們團體中燃起福傳的火焰。 如何在美國特定的環境中, 福傳於華人移民。
Online Registration 網路報名
SJCCM將補助每人$20, 報名後再申請補助. 補助請參閱財務組請款步驟: /blog/2016/02/26/reimbursement-request-process/
Dates: Friday, November 3, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Time: Start from 9am on 11/3
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 748-7000
Please click on below link for conference keynote speakers and schedule:
Please visit to register and view the conference schedule and sessions.
Photographer 攝影: 吳興民
SJCCM 2017 Annual Summer RetreatThe main theme of this retreat will be 「In the footsteps of Christ, witness of the Gospel」. As we begin to prepare our second year of the Arise process, we will be blessed with Fr. Aldrich’s visit. From his teaching we will discern about how our Faith sharing groups, Bible groups, Catechetical Ministry and our whole community can grow in the spirit of evangelization. Everybody in the community, English speaking and Chinese speaking, adults and young people, are invited. As we did the last year, we will use some of the afternoon time to discuss our plan for the new pastoral year that we are beginning. Please register as soon as possible!
Subject: In the footsteps of Christ, witness of the Gospel
Time: 08/26/2017 (Sat) 09:00am – 04:30pm
Location: St. Clare Lower Church
Guest Speaker: Fr. Aldrich
Who: All brothers and sisters of our Mission
contact: James Hua *******
Fee: $0 (lunch included; registration required)
09:00 – 09:15 Arrive
09:15 – 12:30 Morning session
12:30 – 01:30 Lunch Break
01:30 – 03:30 Afternoon session
03:30 – 04:00 SJCCM Update and Plan
04:00 – 04:30 Conclusion, Prayer, Blessing