- 免費中文電子書: https://ccebooks.com/
- The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz: https://media.ascensionpress.com/category/ascension-podcasts/bibleinayear/
- 四旬期靈修資訊: Lenten Spiritual Resource/
主題: Hope, Healing and Renew
講者:程明聰神父 葉素珍修女
時間: 星期四,十一月十二到星期六,十一月十四日
書籍會於12月尾運抵美加,現正開始接受預訂此書。售價每套$40 (另加郵費)。於2020年11月15日前訂購者,可獲晨鳥優惠價每套$35 (另加郵費). 如欲訂購書籍,請點擊此連結: http://orderjp2books.store/
查詢請致電郵到以下網址: sdl.jp2@gmail.com
Gregory 已獲得「羅馬教廷聖赦院」的全大赦-The Gift of the Indulgence許可。在當天參加首祭的所有教友,只要您做到以下四項,就可以領受到:
1. 對所有罪悪完全的棄絶
2. 在首祭前後二十天內辦告解
3. 在首祭前後二十天內領聖體
4. 為教宗的意向祈禱,通常念一遍天主經和一遍聖母經
9/26/2020 劉洪昌神父首祭彌撒照片
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County: Immigration Legal Services Team would like to invite community members to our *FREE* Drive-In Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop. This is a great opportunity for Legal Permanent Residents who are eligible to Naturalize to receive free legal assistance in order to apply for Citizenship in the United States.
Participants will have an opportunity to have their Citizenship application reviewed by either an Attorney or a Department of Justice Accredited Representative. A staff member will provide corrections, edits, guidance, and legal advice to those who are eligible. We will also provide mailing material so that the applicant can easily submit applications after corrections are made. Staff will determine if the applicant is eligible for a fee waiver, meaning that there is a possibility that the participant may not have to pay the $725 USCIS fee in order to naturalize.
Due to recent Covid-19 Guidelines, we have decided to change the method of how we conduct our workshops in order to maintain both staff and participants safe and healthy. Participants and staff will have minimal contact with each other by maintaining a safe distance and always having personal protection equipment equipped at all times.
*PLEASE NOTE* Participants must register due to a capacity of 30 applications per day. We will be continuing these types of workshops twice a month until the end of the year. If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to call (408)325-5296.