每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 04/17/2022

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

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丙年 復活主日 彌撒視頻 04/17/2022 [NEW]


復活節Egg Hungting & 信仰分享 04/17/2022
Easter Sunday Egg Hunting & Faith Sharing 04/17/2022

聖週六 復活前夕守夜禮 入門聖事 04/16/2022
Easter Vigil 2022

聖週星期四 主的晚餐 04/14/2022
Holy Thursday 2022


感謝天主的恩典, 我們今年四月二十三日Gate Heaven 舉行清明追思祭祖彌撒。


清明時節以感恩彌撒向天主表達崇敬之意, 秉持慎終追遠的精神, 為我們的先祖, 己故的親友, 獻上我們虔誠的祈禱。歡迎大家一起邀請親友們參加。

點 閱 詳 情

Easter Message from Bishop Oscar Cantú [NEW]

Planning for Heaven
Easter Message 2022
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
As of the writing of this message, I was visiting my mother in Houston as she enters the final phases of her life. I spent two days with her, and although she was not able to respond to me verbally, I recalled with her the various phases of our life together, from her birthing and raising of my siblings and me to seeing us move out of the house and make our own lives, to the joy of spoiling her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to the decline of her health in her later years. 
I then reflected with her on what heaven might be like. The exhilaration of seeing God’s glory. The presence of the angels and saints, of our loved ones – my father, who went to his heavenly reward 15 years ago, my grandparents, and her dear friends. My mother lay in her nursing home bed as I sat next to her beside the window. She likes to look out the window at the birds who visit and serenade her from the tree branches outside.
My memory went to another son and mother who sat by a window centuries ago, imagining what the wonders and joys of heaven might be like. St. Monica had prayed tirelessly that her son would find his way in life and discover God’s love and mercy; I wondered how many tears my mother shed for her children and grandchildren and how many prayers she offered for us!
As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ in this Easter season, I wonder if we think about heaven. If we imagine what it might be like. If we make plans for it.
In our modern culture, we plan many things in life. We plan for our children’s future, for the development of our careers, for vacations, and for efficient work on a busy day. Do we ever plan for heaven? Does it require planning?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the following: “This perfect life with the Most Holy Trinity – this communion of life and love with the Trinity, with the Virgin Mary, the angels and all the blessed – is called ‘heaven.’ Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness” (1024).
“Supreme, definitive happiness!” What a marvelous thought! The ancient philosopher, Aristotle, noted that happiness was the goal of every human life. We all ultimately desire and long for happiness. Jesus tells us that following him, and living in fellowship with God and neighbor, bring abiding joy and happiness. Yet, in this world, that joy and happiness will always be challenged by our own sins and the sins of the world. And so, as St. Paul says, “we walk by faith” in the journey of life, striving to love as God loves.
In heaven, faith and hope will no longer be necessary, as we will have achieved that which we believed and for which we hoped. Only love will perdure in heaven. Love for God, neighbor, and self. God’s love for us! We remember what St. John tells us: “God is love” (1 Jn 4:8). Let us start living that way now, in this Easter season: let us live in love. This is how we plan for heaven – by living the kingdom of heaven here on earth through faith, hope, and love.
As the Eucharist opens the window to us to eternal life, may we be fed by God’s love for us, by “the Bread that come down from heaven,” by the Word made flesh, and gain strength for the journey through life, and ultimately to heaven.
Happy Easter!
Most Reverend Oscar Cantú
Bishop of San José

Volunteer Needed for Projector Team

隨著堂內彌撒日漸恢復如常, 應教友所求, 彌撒當中將恢復播放PPT, 為鼓勵全體教友參與彌撒聖祭, 高聲歌頌讚美天主。
Projector Team 需要大家的參與和支持。敬請有興趣有能力的朋友們積極報名

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Special Collection : Catholic Home Missions Appeal 04/24/2022 [NEW]

Urgent Donation to Help UKRAINE

2022 教區年度奉獻 Annual Diocesan Appeal [UPDATED]

獻總額(至 4/10): $32,940
去年的奉獻數目: 77
加油! 讓我們繼續努力吧!


 上網: 掃描QR Code 或者 進入網站: DSJ.org/ADA

  1. ADA_QR_Code_2022
  2. 將現金或支票帶去教堂放入奉獻藍
  3. Gift of Stock/IRA Distribution (詳情請電408-983-0293)

Ada 2022

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願多年來被分裂和衝突撕裂的中東享有和平。在今天這光榮的日子,我們要為耶路撒冷,以及愛慕這聖城的人們(參閱:詠121〔122〕)——基督徒、猶太教徒和穆斯林——祈求平安。願以色列人和巴勒斯坦人,以及聖城所有的居⺠,與那些朝聖者, 一起體驗到平安的美好,活出兄弟情誼,並能自由地前往不同的朝聖地,彼此尊重對方的權利。








4/17/2022 復活主日

「黎明曙光」、「主克服了死亡」、「新巴斯卦」 & 「歡樂謳歌慈愛恩主」

小時候,我以為教會中最重要的節日是聖誕節,因為那天教堂很是熱鬧,兒時的本堂- 永和自由街聖母升天堂前面有一大片草坪,張國珽神父/ 副主教會在那兒放一大屏幕,放教會電影給我們看,如賓漢、十誡等,也有園遊會,令人翹首盼望!直到長大後,才明瞭教會最大的節日其實是復活節。因主耶穌如果沒有復活,那麼就如聖保祿宗徒所言,我們的信仰便是假的,我們還仍在罪惡中(格前15:17)。所以這節日自當居首。尤其在復活節前夕,當神父為候洗者付洗時,我們一起歡欣地高唱「阿肋路亞」,慶祝他們領受聖神的洗禮,更加與主接近。

進堂曲「黎明曙光」出於法國戴思神父聖經樂章第二輯,適合於復活節、聖誕節詠唱,詞曲流暢動人,收錄於2007 聖詠團的CD中,CD也以此命名。


領主曲「新巴斯卦」仍出自戴思神父的聖經樂章。巴斯卦乃passover- 逾越節。耶穌的血洗滌了我們的罪過,救贖了普世,並付予逾越節新的意義,這意義遠遠超過當年梅瑟引領以色列子民出埃及前,在門楣上所塗羔羊之血。

結束曲 「歡樂謳歌慈愛恩主」出於貝多芬的「快樂頌」。在經過四十天的準備,默想耶穌的宣道、苦難、復活,陪伴候洗者走過最後慕道階段的收錄、懇禱禮乃至受洗,真為他們感到高興。就算COVID 疫情也難掩主內新生所帶來的喜悅。領洗將開啟人生新的樂章,祈主恩滿溢,冀主內同行。

(4/14/2022 GL)

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聖 詠 團 的 禮 物 GIFTS FROM CHOIR

Click the Image below to Signup

El Camino Health 華人健康促進計畫 (CHI) 免費線上視訊課程 [UPDATE]

 Qigong for Health and Well-Being:  For beginners to learn self-healing tools and activate relaxation response!

居家氣功系列 (普通話
Mandarin Class Series 
Date: 4/25
Time: Monday, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Register here 點此報名 

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment:
2. After Sunday 3:00PM Mass at St. Clare Church.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.
4. 首週六明恭聖體 及 和好聖事 7:30pm-8:30pm 在 St. Clare Church。

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (Mar 2022)

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 03/31/22 : $140,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through
03/31/22 :  $123,700
YTD Variance :  ($16,300)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000

Note: We achieved 88% of Sunday collections goal during the first 9 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

Online Giving Platform Upgrade

Dear Fellow Parishioners:

Recently, the vendor for our Online Giving Platform provided an update which has resulted in changes in the way we log in.  For those who made recurring donations, you will be able to log in using your email address and existing password.  For those who made one-time donations, you will need to create a new login by selecting the “Sign In” option on the main screen and then creating a new login account.  

If you have any questions regarding the change or have difficulty making donations please contact either Eugene (ujeanlee@gmail.com) or Wennie. (wchang1999@gmail.com).

Thank you for your generous support and understanding!!

SJCCM Finance Team

2022 Special Collection Schedules [NEW]


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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